[Tutor] Using 'with open' statementfor reading a file two lines at a time

Ken Green beachkidken at gmail.com
Thu Nov 26 19:37:08 EST 2020

Gentlemen and ladies:

I am using 'with open' statement to read a file two lines at a time and 
then combining them together to print the results into another file. I 
can read the first two lines, combine them and print the result into 
another file and then that is it. Just the first and second lines were 
printed and save.

How can I continue reading the third and fourth lines and so forth on 
until the end of the file?

I am using Python 3.8.5 under Ubuntu 20.04.1 with using Thonny 3.3.0 
(2020-11-5) as an interface. I used to use Geany but discovered the 
latest version doesn't work in Ubuntu 20.04 and it only applicable for 
Windows and Apple and there is no Linux version according to its website.

Thanking you all in advance,


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