[Tutor] [EXTERNAL]Re: Using 'with open' statementfor reading a file two lines at a time
Olsen, Avalow Y
Yuanyuan.A.Olsen at HealthPartners.Com
Thu Nov 26 21:35:45 EST 2020
Could Something like this work? I didn’t test it out. More like pseudo code...
Handle1= open('file1', 'r')
Handle2 = open('file2', 'w')
Count= 0
Lst = []
For line in handle1:
Count = count+1
if count%2 = 0:
lst = []
file1 = open(filename1, "r")
file2 = open(filename2, "w")
with open(filename1) as file1:
line1 = file1.readline().strip()
line2 = file1.readline().strip()
line3 = (line1 + line2)
line4 = (line3[ 0: 4] + line3[ 4: 6] + line3[ 6: 8] + line3[ 8: 9]
+ line3[ 9:12] + line3[20:21] + line3[21:24])
-----Original Message-----
From: Tutor [mailto:tutor-bounces+yuanyuan.a.olsen=healthpartners.com at python.org] On Behalf Of Ken Green
Sent: Thursday, November 26, 2020 7:33 PM
To: tutor at python.org
Subject: [EXTERNAL]Re: [Tutor] Using 'with open' statementfor reading a file two lines at a time
External Email: Don't click links or attachments unless you trust the email.
On 11/26/20 8:00 PM, Alan Gauld via Tutor wrote:
> On 27/11/2020 00:37, Ken Green wrote:
>> I am using 'with open' statement to read a file two lines at a time
>> and then combining them together to print the results into another file.
> Please don't just describe your code and think we can guess what
> you've done.
> Post the actual code and any actual error messages in full.
> There must be at least half a dozen ways to do what you describe.
> We can't fix what we can't see.
>> How can I continue reading the third and fourth lines and so forth on
>> until the end of the file?
> You need to use a loop, either a 'while' or 'for'
> But without seeing what you've done so far I can't say more than that.
>> (2020-11-5) as an interface. I used to use Geany but discovered the
>> latest version doesn't work in Ubuntu 20.04 and it only applicable
>> for Windows and Apple and there is no Linux version according to its website.
> I'm pretty sure there is a Linux version, in fact I just checked and
> v1.37 has just been released on Linux as well as Windoze and MacOS.
> v1.36 is available in the software tool for my Linux Mint 20 which is
> based on Ubuntu 20 so you should definitely be able to get it working.
> But if not there are a zillion other code editors out there that will
> do just fine!
I humbly apologized Alan. Below is the code:
# Daily Three Pick Three 99 Combine Test py # 11/26/2020 import sys
filename1 = "Pick_Three_Drawings_File.txt"
filename2 = "Pick_Three_Drawings_File_Combine.txt"
file1 = open(filename1, "r")
file2 = open(filename2, "w")
with open(filename1) as file1:
line1 = file1.readline().strip()
line2 = file1.readline().strip()
line3 = (line1 + line2)
line4 = (line3[ 0: 4] + line3[ 4: 6] + line3[ 6: 8] + line3[ 8: 9]
+ line3[ 9:12] + line3[20:21] + line3[21:24])
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