[Tutor] Finding biggest of three numbers

Flynn, Stephen (Life & Pensions) Steve.Flynn at capita.com
Wed Oct 7 04:16:25 EDT 2020

I probably doesn't make any difference.

If you had the comparisons in a hot loop and you had performance constraints then you could look as the IL for the code and compare and contrast that instructions used by the interpreter but my guess is that it'll probably result in the same instruction sequence.

Use whichever version you prefer - they are functionally equivalent.


-----Original Message-----
From: Tutor <tutor-bounces+steve.flynn=capita.co.uk at python.org> On Behalf Of Manprit Singh
Sent: 07 October 2020 04:04
To: tutor at python.org
Subject: [Tutor] Finding biggest of three numbers


Dear sir ,
consider the problem of finding the biggest of three numbers . The most clean and clear solution  to this problem is using max( ) function. But my question is about the basic program for this problem that is taught in schools, to make the students learn about if statement, the program is given below :

a = int(input("Input first number"))
b = int(input("Input second number"))
c = int(input("Input second number"))
if a > b and a > c:
    x = a
elif b > c:
    x = b
    x = c
print("The greatest number is", x)

Now , i am going to make changes in the above written program :

a = int(input("Input first number"))
b = int(input("Input second number"))
c = int(input("Input second number"))
if b < a > c:
    x = a
elif b > c:
    x = b
    x = c
print("The greatest number is", x)

Here in the second version, I have used chaining in the condition written with if . So what are your views about this second version, which one must be preferred ? - second or first version of the solution to the problem .

Just need to know in which circumstances I should prefer chaining, and in which circumstances I should avoid it .

Manprit Singh
Tutor maillist  -  Tutor at python.org
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