[Tutor] using conditional expression

dn PyTutor at DancesWithMice.info
Thu Oct 8 16:53:35 EDT 2020

On 09/10/2020 08:22, Manprit Singh wrote:
> Dear sir ,
> Let us consider a problem where i have to make a new list of all even
> Just need to check if this can be written as given below or not :

What happened when you wrote it that way and ran the program?

> Third alternative way is :

Can you solve the problem all on one line?

Can you solve the problem with a single loop rather than multiple 
compound statements?

> Which way should be  preferred to solve this kind of problem ?
> need your comments

How might the answer depend upon the level of competence - of you, your 
colleagues, and/or future coders who may be expected to maintain this code?

What are your arguments for code-brevity and the exertion of powerful 
coding-constructs (and inevitably, increased complexity)?

What might be the arguments for eschewing comprehensions and the like, 
in favor of 'straight-line', if longer, code blocks?
Regards =dn

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