[Tutor] Valid Username Program

Alan Gauld alan.gauld at yahoo.co.uk
Fri Oct 9 19:33:11 EDT 2020

On 09/10/2020 18:44, Dennis Lee Bieber wrote:

> 	And even not quite the "good, old, days" one would have used
> Nassi-Schneiderman (aka Chapin) charts. 

I've been aware of NS charts for years but I've never seen
anyone use them outside college. I'm curious, has anyone
actually use NS charts in real world projects?

The reason I ask is that around 2002 I wrote a book called
"A Software Designers Toolbox"(*) which documented around 40
software design notations that I had used (or seen used) and
found useful in real  projects. I considered NS charts but
in the end left them out because they failed the test  that
I had actually seen them in use and they were effective.
So has anyone used these and found them effective?

(*)The book was alas never published since the publisher
decided the market was too small. If anyone is curious the
PDF of the draft(around 400 pages) is available on request!
Every now and then I consider the effort to update it and
self-publish just to put it out there...

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site
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