[Tutor] Running python files

Alan Gauld alan.gauld at yahoo.co.uk
Tue Oct 13 20:16:46 EDT 2020

On 14/10/2020 00:28, Phil wrote:
> This seemingly simple problem has me scratching my head. How do I run a 
> python file from a directory other than the directory that the python 
> file is in?

There are several ways to do this.
1) Use a hard coded full path.
2) Put the full path in a config variable in a config file
3) Get the path from an environment variable (and have a default if not set)
4) change the current working directory to the folder your file is in
(using the os.chdir() function)

If the location of the file is variable then you might want to bring up
a dialog to fetch it fom the user, there are various options from the
curses based dialog module to easy-gui and the tkinter simpledialogs.
Or just a simple input() call.

You can also ask the program file where it is located if the
data files are relative to that.

A config file is probably the best option, but then you have
to find the config file! :-)

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site
Follow my photo-blog on Flickr at:

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