[Tutor] Program help

Garrett Phelps gmphelps at ualr.edu
Thu Oct 22 13:02:21 EDT 2020

Perhaps someone can help me write this code:

The USPopulation.txt file contains the midyear population of United States,
in thousands, during the years 1950 through 1990. The first line in the
file contains the population for 1950, the second line contains the
population for 1951, and so forth. Create an application that reads the
file's contents into a list. The application should do the following:

   - (15 points) Read the file into an list of integers (multiply by 1000)
   - Iterate through the array and display:
      - (10 points) Year
      - Population
      - (10 points) Change from previous year (subtract current year minus
      previous year)
      - (10 points) Percent change in population over last year (change in
      population divided by previous year population)
   - When complete, display the following based on the changes in
   population (not changes in percent):
      - (10 points) Average Population Change
      - (10 points) Minimum Population Change and Year
      - (10 points) Maximum Population Change and Year

Best Regards,
Garrett Phelps

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