[Tutor] Clearing the screen from the terminal

Alan Gauld alan.gauld at yahoo.co.uk
Mon Oct 26 04:03:42 EDT 2020

On 26/10/2020 01:32, Cameron Simpson wrote:

> Then you probably want Alan's approach, and use curses. You can write
> MVC style with it, and should aid the shift to PySimplegui later (not to
> mention maybe supporting mixed mode, where you can run in terminal mode
> if there is no GUI, such as when sshed into a host).
> I think Alan even has an introductory document for going this way.


It just so happens... I'm on the cusp of publishing this somewhere
accessible, but I can send you (the OP) the latest draft if you are
interested. It includes a section giving a full case study on
writing an MVC style application using curses. (A kind of simple

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site
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