[Tutor] Confusion about definition of proper subset in python set

dn PyTutor at DancesWithMice.info
Thu Oct 29 23:29:53 EDT 2020

On 30/10/2020 15:52, Manprit Singh wrote:
> Dear sir ,
> Consider explanation given about  set < other in python official
> documentation
> Test whether the set is a proper subset of *other*, that is, set <= other
> and set != other.
> This confuses me actually.
> set <= other   and set != other , how it is possible at same time ?
> As far as i know, if S is a set and ss is its proper subset, then ss is
> strictly contained in S and necessarily excludes at least one member of S.
> Need some light on it.

Create some sample set-data including identical sets, exclusive sets, 
and super- plus sub-sets.

Run tests in the REPL, and show us how you have proven the above, or 
Regards =dn

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