[Tutor] Concept related to python classes

Richard Damon Richard at Damon-Family.org
Mon Sep 7 19:02:49 EDT 2020

On 9/7/20 4:52 PM, David Rock wrote:
> * Richard Damon <Richard at Damon-Family.org> [2020-09-07 16:48]:
>> There is also the suggestion I have heard that a class with two methods,
>> one being __init__, and one computing a result is often better as just a
>> function (unless you need the object as a scratch pad for some reason)
> That may be, but doing it as a class allows for easy expansion.  What happens
> when calculating the perimeter becomes necessary?  If it's a class, the
> framework is already there.
One of his points was don't and unnecessary frameworks until you know
that you will need them.

The framework to add the class is fairly easy to add if/when you need
it. But a lot of things (like all those getters and setters) aren't
going to be needed even if at first you think it might.

Richard Damon

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