[Tutor] A Multiple Concatenation Problem

Richard Damon Richard at Damon-Family.org
Thu Sep 17 13:49:42 EDT 2020

On 9/17/20 1:39 PM, Stephen P. Molnar wrote:
> I have a Computational Chemisry Problem where I generate a large
> number of text files with names differing only in an index in the file
> suffix of the form <ligand>.$i.log.
> My problem is how do I go from <ligand> to <ligand>.$i.log where '$i"
> is iterated from 1 to 10. in a subsequent section of the pytho script?
> All that Google does is increase my confusion.
> Finally, this is not a school assignment, nor do I wish t initiate a
> string of nasty comments/. What I am looking for is a point in the
> appropriate direction.
> Thanks in advance
Look at the Pathlib module, it can be use to tear apart a file path into
component pieces and put them back again. You would use back string
operations to add the .i to the end of the base name of the file

Richard Damon

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