[Tutor] Error when trying to resample daily data to get a monthly average?
Tyler Herrington
therring at uwaterloo.ca
Tue Sep 22 16:37:03 EDT 2020
I am attempting to read in daily soil temperature data (and later on,
hourly data) from a csv file, and calculate monthly averaged soil
temperature from the data.
The data has a structure similar to: soil temperature data output
Basically, the goal is to loop through all the .csv files in the directory,
read in the daily (or hourly) soil temperature data from each csv file, and
then calculate a monthly mean from the data. However, it appears that the
timestamp may not be in the correct format for resample() to correctly read
and calculate the mean, as I get the following error: *TypeError: Only
valid with DatetimeIndex, TimedeltaIndex or PeriodIndex, but got an
instance of 'RangeIndex'*
def load_pandas(file_name):
print("Loading file:", file_name)
dframe = pd.read_csv(file_name)
dframe.replace(-999, np.nan, inplace =True)
levels = dframe.columns.values.tolist()
print("Levels:", levels)
print("Column types:", dframe.dtypes)
col1 = dframe[levels[0]]
# Sample date: 2011-06-21 08:00:00
date_fmt = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"
datetime_column = str_to_datetime(col1, date_fmt)
# The pandas builtin seems to have issues
#datetime_column = pd.to_datetime(dframe[levels[0]], date_fmt)
print("Length of datetime column:", len(datetime_column))
dframe_mon = dframe.resample('M').mean()
def main():
from pathlib import Path
directory = "/praid/users/herringtont/soil_temp/In-Situ/GTN-P/"
directory_as_str = str(directory)
pathlist = Path(directory_as_str).glob('*.csv')
for path in pathlist:
# because path is object not string
path_in_str = str(path)
boreholes = path_in_str
Any suggestions on how to fix this issue?
Tyler Herrington, MSc
PhD Student (Climate Science)
Geography and Environmental Management
University of Waterloo
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