[Tutor] More About Minimum Skills

Leam Hall leamhall at gmail.com
Fri Apr 2 11:35:17 EDT 2021

Sorry I missed the "Minimum Skills" thread before. It's one of my 
favorite topics.

I am not John Sonmez, nor do I get any revenue from recommending his 
stuff. If you check out "simpleprogrammer.com", he has a couple of free 
courses. I think one gives you access to a very useful spreadsheet of 
minimum technical skills. It's been a while.

However, John's real recommendation is to learn the basics and then 
start reading good code. Alan has a Projects book out, and can probably 
name several other open source projects that exemplify Pythonic coding. 
Read that code. Read PEP 8.

Most importantly, code. Find stuff you want to do and code. It'll be 
lousy code, but it will be *your* lousy code. Having code helps your 
brain learn, and having code lets you get feedback from really skilled 
people. Jump on codewars.com and start coding there, too.


Site Reliability Engineer  (reuel.net/resume)
Chronicler: The Domici War (domiciwar.net)
General Ne'er-do-well      (github.com/LeamHall)

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