[Tutor] beautiful soup raw text workarounds?
nathan Smith
nathan-tech at hotmail.com
Tue Aug 24 16:15:22 EDT 2021
I actually fixed this myself.
It was a perspective issue.
I was looking at:
which returns tags only.
Raw text are not tags.
Sorry for the time waster.
On 24/08/2021 21:06, nathan Smith wrote:
> Hi List,
> I'm using beautiful soup to pass a website which is all going well.
> I'm having problems though with getting it to include the raw text,
> that is to say, text not in any tag.
> I've done some Googling on this and it seems beautiful soup does not
> support the text outside of tags? Fair enough!
> I was wondering how I could work around this issue?
> For instance, is there like, tag.endpos next_tag.startpos so I could
> do raw-text=text[endpos:nextpos]
> I've included the web page below for reference so you can see what I
> mean. the thing I am stuck on is below h2.
> Nathan '
> Website:
> <html>
> <head>
> <title>This is my website</title>
> </head>
> <body>
> <h1>Headings</h1>
> <p>Paragraphs and such.</p>
> <h2>Another heading.</h2>
> This text here doesn't <br/>
> want to show in bs.
> </body>
> </html>
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