[Tutor] A complex number class, making a class instance of same class inside one of its methods
Alan Gauld
alan.gauld at yahoo.co.uk
Wed Aug 25 14:25:01 EDT 2021
On 25/08/2021 18:50, Manprit Singh wrote:
> I have written a class Complex_num,
Given that Python has a built-in complex number type,
that's probably not the best learning example you could
have chosen. However...
> from which i can set the values of real
> and imaginary part of complex number(setvalue)
Numbers in Python are immutable so to follow that example
you should try to make your objects follow similar patterns.
Thus setting the real/imaginary parts after the number
as been created is probably a mistake, instead perform
an operation that returns the new values and use those
to create a new object.
> , and compare the magnitude
> of two instances of this class(__gt__()) . Add real and imaginary parts of
> two instances of this class(__add__()) and print the values of instance
> objects with __str__().
Thats all good stuff. The built-in version does a lot more of course!
> class Complex_num:
> def __init__(self):
> self.real = 0
> self.imag = 0
Why not pass these attributes as parameters with defaults of zero:
def __init__(self, real=0, imag=0):
self.real = real
self.imag = imag
And now you initialise as
zer_comp = Complex_num()
val_comp = Complex_num(3,4)
> def setvalue(self, real, imag):
> self.real = real
> self.imag = imag
You then don't need this which probably shouldn't exist anyway.
> def __gt__(self, com_num):
> c1 = (self.real**2 + self.imag**2)**0.5
> c2 = (com_num.real**2 + com_num.imag**2)**0.5
> return c1 > c2
> def __add__(self, com_num):
> temp = Complex_num()
> rpart = self.real + com_num.real
> ipart = self.imag + com_num.imag
> temp.setvalue(rpart, ipart)
> return temp
If you put the attributes in the Init():
def __add__(self, com_num):
rpart = self.real + com_num.real
ipart = self.imag + com_num.imag
return Complex_num(rpart,ipart)
> def __str__(self):
> sign ="+" if self.imag >= 0 else ""
> com = "("+str(self.real)+sign +str(self.imag)+"j)"
> return com
> x = Complex_num()
> x.setvalue(4, 1)
> y = Complex_num()
> y.setvalue(4, -5)
> print(x) - returns (4+1j)
> print(y) - returns (4-5j)
> x > y returns False
> print(x+y) returns (8-4j)
> The answers are correct , but i have a question :
> Can we call the class inside any method of the class ? If I need an
> instance object of the class inside one of the methods of the same class.
Yes, you can create instances inside methods of the class.
That is perfectly normal in OOP.
Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site
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