[Tutor] pylint(too-many-nested-blocks)

Phil phillor9 at gmail.com
Wed Dec 1 01:24:58 EST 2021

Thank you again dn, Cameron and Alex for more useful information and links.

> OTOH, the non-practical pursuit of perfection leads to one never being
> 'finished'!

That's why I revisited this project. Indecently, I've reduced the 
complexity of the function that I posted by splitting it into two and, 
as a bonus, I cured a problem that prevented the code from breaking out 
of a nested loop. I do remember reading somewhere many years ago that a 
function should fit onto a screen without scrolling. That's about 20 
lines in my case.

> There are (apparently) employers who will look at your portfolio of work
> (should you ever be applying for such a job),

Not at my age, thankfully.

> Incidentally, there's an impression that you've adopted a 'grey gypsy'
> life-style.
That's correct. My wife and I first hit the road during May 2005.
>   However, if you can gain decent Internet access, perhaps an
> online course might confer similar additional/alternate benefit?

While I haven't enrolled in any on-line courses while travelling I have 
completed one rather lengthy course of Python exercises. I do have an 
extensive range of mostly dated on-line books, however, having them and 
reading them is not the same thing.

> I cheerfully blather-on about pytest and TDD.

I know of pytest, although I've never looked into it's use. Something 
else to study.

> Are you using an IDE such as PyCharm or Codium (the F/LOSS-y alternative
> to VS-Code)?

I've tried several IDEs over the years and have settled on VS Code. I 
only use a small fraction of it's capabilities and I do like it's 
debugger. I still use IDLE if I want to test something simple and I do 
find it's debugger to be useful.

> (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UANN2Eu6ZnM) Well worth the time - and
> maybe you have a YouTube downloader if Internet-reliability is an issue..
Two of my favourite down-loaders are Firefox plug-ins.
> Back to the earlier question about IDEs. I'm using PyCharm at the moment

I have used the community version but VS Code's all-in-one features won 
me over.



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