[Tutor] OT: pylint(too-many-nested-blocks)

dn PyTutor at DancesWithMice.info
Wed Dec 1 03:38:52 EST 2021

>> Incidentally, there's an impression that you've adopted a 'grey gypsy'
>> life-style.
> That's correct. My wife and I first hit the road during May 2005.
>>   However, if you can gain decent Internet access, perhaps an
>> online course might confer similar additional/alternate benefit?

In case you speak Python better than "Oz" (or "Oztrarlian") the slang
term: "grey gypsy" (amongst others), refers to the significant number of
retirees/superannuitants/pensioners who have traded suburbia for a
mobile-home, camper-van, or caravan; and are enjoying their 'twilight
years' in travel, new experiences, meeting new people, ...

Something else which is likely to surprise, is that Australia (by
itself) offers a huge expanse in which to travel. The "How big is
Australia" web page
overlays maps of Europe and USA for direct-comparison.

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