[Tutor] Send SOAP to Proxy

Joao Carlos Silva de Oliveira Matos joao.oliveira at ufob.edu.br
Wed Dec 1 09:23:48 EST 2021

It does, but I get the 200 message saying that my IP is not allowed. I'm
starting to think that's it's an issue with the VPN not allowing me to
request to the WebService. But I do need to pass through the proxy because
it's the only client that can receive the data.

Em ter., 30 de nov. de 2021 às 19:35, Cameron Simpson <cs at cskk.id.au>

> On 29Nov2021 18:59, Joao Carlos Silva de Oliveira Matos <
> joao.oliveira at ufob.edu.br> wrote:
> >I've been trying to access a WSDL Service via a SOAP protocol. But first I
> >need to get to a proxy in my University because the server will only
> accept
> >it as a client.
> Skipping the complexities of the library, if it is using the builtin
> Python libraries underneath I expect it to honour the normal environment
> variables $http_proxy and $https_proxy, meaning your code does not need
> to specify a proxy.
> If you set these in your environment and try your code with no proxy
> specification in it, do things work?
> Bourne shell syntax to set these:
>     http_proxy='http://proxy-ip-adress:8080'
>     https_proxy='http://proxy-ip-adress:8080'
>     export http_proxy https_proxy
> If you set them in your environment, do things work (provided you strip
> the settings out of the inline code itself i.e. comment out the
> "session.proxies" stuff?
> Cheers,Cameron Simpson <cs at cskk.id.au>
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João Carlos Silva de Oliveira Matos
Bolsista de Inovação e Tecnologia
PROFNIT - Centro das Humanidades - UFOB
Mat. 2020100150

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