[Tutor] Send SOAP to Proxy

Cameron Simpson cs at cskk.id.au
Wed Dec 1 15:29:27 EST 2021

On 01Dec2021 11:23, Joao Carlos Silva de Oliveira Matos <joao.oliveira at ufob.edu.br> wrote:
>It does, but I get the 200 message saying that my IP is not allowed.

Does it tell you which IP it thinks you have? If it is your own IP then 
the proxy settings are probably being ignored.

>starting to think that's it's an issue with the VPN not allowing me to
>request to the WebService.

If you're gettings a 200 response then you're probably talking to the 
web service.

>But I do need to pass through the proxy because
>it's the only client that can receive the data.

I'd start with a little lower level testing first, maybe using wget or 
curl command line tools to manually do a single SOAP request. They both 
honour proxy setting environment variables and also accept command line 
arguments to specify it. That should let you see different behaviours 
with different settings.

Cameron Simpson <cs at cskk.id.au>

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