[Tutor] Error When Using CoolProp

Bernard Marjaba marjababernard at gmail.com
Wed Dec 8 16:31:19 EST 2021

ok thanks, i changed the environment to 3.8. but now when i try to run any command with pip in it, it is giving me this error

/Users/Bernard/PycharmProjects/Isentropic SUS Model/venv/bin/pip: line 2: /Users/Bernard/PycharmProjects/Isentropic SUS Model/venv/bin/python: No such file or directory
/Users/Bernard/PycharmProjects/Isentropic SUS Model/venv/bin/pip: line 2: exec: /Users/Bernard/PycharmProjects/Isentropic SUS Model/venv/bin/python: cannot execute: No such file or directory

I checked if this folder exists, and it does.

Thanks and regards,
Bernard Marjaba
(514) 922-9807

> On Dec 8, 2021, at 10:23 AM, Mats Wichmann <mats at wichmann.us> wrote:
> On 12/8/21 08:18, Bernard Marjaba wrote:
>> Kind reminder please
>> On Mon, Nov 29, 2021 at 7:01 PM Bernard Marjaba <marjababernard at gmail.com <mailto:marjababernard at gmail.com>> wrote:
>>    Hello,
>>    Yeah sure I’m checking with them as well. Meanwhile, this is a
>>    purely python related error following what you suggested to me about
>>    installing the wheel package:
>>    I tried installing the wheel package using
>>    (venv) Bernards-MacBook-Pro:Python Bernard$ pip install
>>    /Users/Bernard/Downloads/CoolProp-6.4.1-cp38-cp38-macosx_10_9_x86_64.whl
>>    but it gave me this error
>>    ERROR: CoolProp-6.4.1-cp38-cp38-macosx_10_9_x86_64.whl is not a
>>    supported wheel on this platform.
>>    I assume this means that i need python 3.8 for this wheel to work,
>>    which I have. I typed python3 in terminal it gave me 3.8.10, i typed
>>    python3 in PyCharm and it gave me 3.9.5, how come? So i searched for
>>    python 3.9 in my MacBook and i couldn’t find any traces of it,
>>    except for in a project folder:
>>    /Users/Bernard/PycharmProjects/Isentropic SUS Model/venv/lib/python3.9
>>    However, 3.8 exists in the Applications folder. Any idea how to
>>    remove all traces of 3.9?
> you select the interpreter in PyCharm independently of what the system thinks the default is - it's a clickable field in the bottom of the screen. Probably you'll be okay when you select 3.8.  If you choose to make a virtualenv, remember you have to install your packages in that virtualenv for them to be picked up - from the path you show it looks like you ended up with a 3.9 virtualenv. you can do that through pycharm, if that's what you intend to use.  they have lots of docs on that.

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