[Tutor] OS lib creating an directory using an absolute path.

nathan tech nathan-tech at hotmail.com
Sat Feb 6 05:51:58 EST 2021


myself I tend to break it down and use os.mkdir on each.

A quick google however revealed this question from stackoverflow which I 
didn't know, and may be of particular use.




On 06/02/2021 10:33, mhysnm1964 at gmail.com wrote:
> All,
> I am using the os library. If I have a directory structure with any missing
> directory (folders), then the os.mkdir function fails as it cannot find the
> filenamefilename. For example:
> Current directory structure is:
> C:\books  with nothing inside.
> The path I am wanting to create is:
> E:\books\a\anne rice
> Yes, I could break the path and check each level of the directory. But I was
> wondering if there was any other method to do this. As if you do this at
> Windows 10 command line:
> Mkdir E:\books\"a\anne rice"
> The 'a' directory plus 'anne rice' is also created.
> I hope this makes sense. Python 3.8 under windows 10.
> Sean
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