[Tutor] Is this possible in Python?

Alan Gauld alan.gauld at yahoo.co.uk
Thu Feb 18 18:26:07 EST 2021

On 18/02/2021 14:31, Matthew Ngaha wrote:
>> Its not clear where you expect Python to fit into that scenario.

> in either. This is a project my networking friend, who knows nothing
> about programming, is looking to start and he came to me to see if it
> was possible. 

It is surely possible but a big project.

But it is a system not an application. The description is of
a client-server type transaction with distributed components.
It needs significant technical design as well as software
design. but if he is a network guy he probably knows how
to do the technical bits.

However, there are standard components for most of it. He needs
to work out where his requirements differ from the norm.
It may well be that he simply needs to do some scripting
in Javascript rather than Python programming.

Or it may be he needs to write a bespoke component in which
case Python might be better. The devil is in the detail.

> must be an easier way of achieving this. All that networking talk in
> the steps listed seem a bit too low level for an application, even
> though as you said it is possible.

It's not low level really, its just a networking set of applications
rather than an end user tool. But well within the scope of Python.
However he will need to do some serious study of generic
programming (regardless of the language he chooses) because
network programming is never simple. You have to follow very
specific standards and they usually have lots of options that
you must handle. A big job.

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site
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