[Tutor] Python problem

Alan Gauld alan.gauld at yahoo.co.uk
Sat Feb 27 06:33:49 EST 2021

On 27/02/2021 11:19, Alan Gauld via Tutor wrote:
> On 27/02/2021 07:23, Vakhtang Kvaratskhelia wrote:
>> What i mean is that if i write the code (for simplicity i have
>> precalculated variables mentioned in the previous emails and narrowed the
>> code down to the following ) :
> I'm confused. I'd expect both versions to give an infinite loop since
> you never change portion_saved and it is equal to zero. So the while
> loop will always evaluate to the same result.

OOPS! I just spotted that you do in fact modify the portion_saved.
Ignore that.

But i'm still confused about how the commas are working. If someone with
a comma sensitive locale could explain I'd be interested.

>> low=0
>> high=10000
>> epsilon=100
>> portion_saved=0
>> while abs(250,000 - portion_saved * 566,774) >= epsilon:
>>     if portion_saved * 566,774 < 250,000 :
>>         low=portion_saved
>>     else:
>>         high=portion_saved
>>     portion_saved=(high+low) // 2

Sorry, I missed that line somehow!

>> print(portion_saved)

Alan G
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