[Tutor] Fw: PLEASE HELP!
PyTutor at DancesWithMice.info
Sun Jan 24 20:32:14 EST 2021
On 25/01/2021 13.14, Dan via Tutor wrote:
>> I am trying to download and install a python matrix module. I am using python 3.8.7 and running it on Windows 7. So far, all I have been doing for days is clicking on links that go around and around without telling me how to download Matrix. If anyone will send me an email telling me how to download and install Matrix then I will greatly appreciate it. Otherwise, I am through with Python as it impossible for me to use.
Welcome to this mailing list = volunteers helping each other.
Which links have you been trying?
Which Matrix module?
The largest formal collection of Python libraries is PyPi, aka 'the
Cheese Shop'. It has an entry for "matrix 2.0.1", which was last updated
back in 2017 and is described as a "Generic matrix generator". Is that
what you're wanting?
Using pip to install from PyPi is a standard Python operation, albeit
with several variants. Are you competent, or lacking familiarity with
the technique?
1 a meaningful Subject line which will help others scanning the list's
archives, who might have the same problem in-future
2 ridding messages of repetitive and non-Python material (as per above
3 avoid transferring personal frustration - as if we, your colleagues,
will only respond to 'blackmail' or 'guilt-trips'
Regards =dn
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