[Tutor] problem regarding re

Mats Wichmann mats at wichmann.us
Wed Jan 27 11:58:08 EST 2021

On 1/27/21 9:21 AM, Manprit Singh wrote:
> Dear Sir ,
> Consider a problem given below
> re.sub(r'\\', "", 'acd\m')
> gives the output = acdm as re.sub will replace the "\" in "acd\m" with "" .
> but when i am doing  re.sub(r'\\', "", 'acd\b') why is it not replacing "\"
> with "". why i am getting the answer as 'acd\x08' .  How can I get acdb ?
> kindly put some light on it.

Because the string you are operating on was not entered as a raw string, 
and thus was interpreted by Python. Since \b is a Python-recognized 
escape there's no backslash there when you go to substitute on it.  That 
didn't happen with the first string since \m has no special meaning to 

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