[Tutor] Really basic won't run error

Phil phillor9 at gmail.com
Sun Jul 4 19:46:43 EDT 2021

On 5/7/21 6:26 am, Dennis Lee Bieber wrote:
> It's your own file... But you seem to have trimmed the example
> WITHOUT posting the error message as reported by the sample. In the trimmed
> example it is line 18.

Thank you Dennis for your reply.

I've never been able to run any of the demo examples outside of demo.py. 
Occasionally, I've been able to take a line or two from a demo example 
and add it to my template and have it work or find a snippet in the 
documentation but mostly it takes hours of Internet searching to get 
something working.

I should have mentioned that I had removed "parent" in two places to 
eliminate the errors but since the code ran but didn't display anything 
I thought that "parent" must be required.



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