[Tutor] Was: flatten a python list

Cameron Simpson cs at cskk.id.au
Tue Jun 1 22:00:07 EDT 2021

On 02Jun2021 13:35, DL Neil <PyTutor at DancesWithMice.info> wrote:
>What happens if we broaden the original spec from "list" to strings (as
>above), and then continue into tuples, dictionary (keys or values),
>classes, etc?
>Is there a generic Python function which advises if a value is atomic or
>some form of container?
>(yes, could check for __contains__ method, but...)

I go with:

    should_iterate = False
    if not isinstance(obj, str):    # known special case :-(
        it = iter(obj)
      except TypeError:
        should_iterate = True

Usually you have better knowledge about what's going on, or the function 
spec mandates being given a sensible iterable etc.

You can do the same for sequences by trying obj[None] or something.  
Hopefully these tests have no significant side effects, which is why 
ideally you know more (i.e. your callers can be expected to give you the 
right kind of thing), or mandate more (i.e. your caller's are buggy if 
they give you the wrong thing).

Not so easy with generic stuff. Like list flatten in this example.

For an example where you are doing a genericish flatten but still expect 
sensible inputs (but, still accepting str!), here's an example of mine:


which flattens the return from a "transcribe" method common to a suite 
of subclasses. For ease of implementation the transcribe methods can 
return a variety of convenient to the implementor things, including 
being generators yielding things.

You can see it does a getattr along the lines of your __contains__ 
check, but if otherwise rather opinionated: None, bytes, memoryview, str 
are specially handled but otherwise we assume we've got an iterable. The 
return from flatten() itself is an iterable - a flat iterable if 

Cameron Simpson <cs at cskk.id.au>

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