[Tutor] About (dev-)requirements.txt

Alan Gauld alan.gauld at yahoo.co.uk
Thu Mar 11 16:30:54 EST 2021

On 11/03/2021 14:37, Albert-Jan Roskam wrote:
>    How do I generate separate (i.e., disjoint) lists of requirements for the
>    app itself and the dev-requirements? 

Ok, This one puzzles me.
I come from a background of large projects, with typically
between 50-500 developers. Requirements are something catalogued
in a book (possibly several volumes - the biggest I saw was 7
volumes of 50-100+ ages each) or in a CASE tool (eg Borland Together)
or a project management tool such as Jira. I would expect a total
of several thousand requirements, with each release addressing
perhaps 100-200 at a time.

But these requirements would be business requirements:

Req010301: The system should calculate customer propensity to spend
using the McClelland-Smythe algorithm (version 2)

R-Sales-003: The sales agent shall be presented with a list of
up-selling and cross-selling opportunities based on both current
promotions and the customers previous sales history.

Or, most commonly, a use case scenario which would encompass
several linked requirements.

Are these the kinds of application requirements you have in mind?

And I'm not sure what you mean by dev-requirements?
Are these perhaps the low level developer user stories
we had to create as part of system design? Things like:

I want the up-selling and cross-selling product lists
to appear in a single panel on the Sales screen so that
I do not lose sight of the current customer data.

Or is it something else?

Can you give examples of both type of requirements?

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site
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