[Tutor] Ann: New Python curses book.

Alan Gauld alan.gauld at yahoo.co.uk
Tue Mar 30 07:07:56 EDT 2021

I've just published, in Kindle and paperback formats,
my book on "Programming curses with Python".


(It should be available in most other Amazon stores too)

It is a complete rewrite of the Linux Documentation
Project's HowTo for the C ncurses library. It has the
same structure but all-new text and several new
chapters. All specific to the Python curses package.

I've kept the prices as low as Amazon permits (and
allowing for fluctuations in their costs). As such,
I will therefore make a few cents profit per book
from sales (full disclosure). However, I felt this
was the easiest and most effective way to get it
"out there" where it could be found.

I hope it's useful to somebody.

Special thanks to all who provided me with feedback
on its various iterations, especially Alex Kleider
and Bob Stepp who stuck with it right to the end.
Thanks guys.

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site
Follow my photo-blog on Flickr at:

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