[Tutor] creating and writing to a text file

Alan Gauld alan.gauld at yahoo.co.uk
Tue Mar 30 19:03:42 EDT 2021

On 30/03/2021 22:53, Mats Wichmann wrote:

> particular problem: in a team, there are going to be people with 
> slightly different ideas of style.  The organization can grunt their way 
> through producing a style document, and then someone agrees 95% with it,

I've heard this argument many times, but it breaks down on large projects.

The largest project I've worked on had around 500 programmers
working in 5 (or 6?) different organizations in 3 different
countries. Each organisation had their own style guides.
There was no way we could have a single style and frankly,
no need.

Provided code compiled and followed some very basic rules
(indentation between 2-6 characters, some basic variable
naming and file structure rules) it was good to go. Style
comments were strictly forbidden at reviews.

It generated close to 3.6 million lines of C++ and you know
what? It worked. And it still does 30 years later.
Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site
Follow my photo-blog on Flickr at:

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