[Tutor] err in integration

Cameron Simpson cs at cskk.id.au
Sat May 1 02:59:20 EDT 2021

On 01May2021 12:07, Msd De <mmssdd1920 at gmail.com> wrote:
>Dear Sir,
>I would like to print the error in numerical calculation.
>I get this error
>*Traceback (most recent call last):*
>*  File "DFF_test.py", line 45, in <module>    print("The numerical result
>is {:J1} (+-{:err})".format(J1, err))ValueError: Invalid conversion

You don't want the colon before the parameter names in your format 
string. Text after the colon is a format specifier (eg to print the 
value in a particular way), rather than what you want, which is to name 
the value you want to print.

Try this:

    print("The numerical result is {J1} (+-{err})".format(J1, err))

Actually, that won't work: your providing _positional_ values to 
.format(). Try this:

    print("The numerical result is {J1} (+-{err})".format(J1=J1, err=err))

Also, you can do this more simply with a "format string", thus:

    print(f"The numerical result is {J1} (+-{err})")

which pulls the parameter values straight our of your local variables.

Cameron Simpson <cs at cskk.id.au>

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