[Tutor] Regex
la_spirou at hotmail.com
Tue May 4 07:15:56 EDT 2021
I forgot to mention the assignment asks to try to solve via regex and I don't know the length of the string. It's a large system log file and I have to parse through each line and extract the sentence that follows the word ERROR. Sorry for not mentioning that.
From: Tutor <tutor-bounces+la_spirou=hotmail.com at python.org> on behalf of Alan Gauld via Tutor <tutor at python.org>
Sent: May 4, 2021 6:19 AM
To: tutor at python.org <tutor at python.org>
Subject: Re: [Tutor] Regex
On 04/05/2021 10:51, Alan Gauld via Tutor wrote:
>>>> s = "Jan 31 01:33:12 ubuntu.local ticky: ERROR Tried to add
> information to closed ticket (mcintosh)"
>>>> start = s.index('ERROR')
>>>> end = s.index('ticket')+len('ticket')
>>>> s[start:end]
> 'ERROR Tried to add information to closed ticket'
Following up my own post...
find() would be better than index() here since it returns -1 if not
found - which will work on the slice to give the whole remaining string...
Also I should have included start in the second search:
start = s.find('ERROR')
end = s.find('ticket',start)+len('ticket')
Alan G
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