[Tutor] list generation

Mark Lawrence breamoreboy at gmail.com
Mon May 10 16:53:16 EDT 2021

On 10/05/2021 19:59, Ed Connell wrote:
> What is the best way to create a list of constant values of a given length?
> gen_list( 78, 4 ) should generate [ 78, 78, 78, 78  ].
> and
> gen_list( 'pop', 2 ) should produce [ 'pop', 'pop' ]
> Thanks,
> Ed


My personal opinion is that if you don't reach for the itertools module 
fairly often you're not really writing python :)

My fellow Pythonistas, ask not what our language can do for you, ask
what you can do for our language.

Mark Lawrence

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