[Tutor] Best way to save a D&D-like game's state?

Bryan Karsh bkarsh at gmail.com
Fri May 21 21:20:29 EDT 2021

I absolutely love this thread. Making an rpg is fun and a great way to
learn a language.

On Fri, May 21, 2021 at 6:15 PM Leam Hall <leamhall at gmail.com> wrote:

> Oh, and if you really want to blow your mind, look at Neo4J (
> https://neo4j.com/). You can get a map of connections with a file like:
>         CREATE (sa_mcconnell:Person { name:'Spacer Apprentice Ai
> McConnell' });
>         CREATE (larry_c:Person { name:'Larry Corona' });
>         CREATE (el_dad:Person { name:'Sven Jacobs' });
>         CREATE (sens_fevre:Person { name:'SubEns Myung Fevre' });
>         CREATE (el_mom:Person { name:'Marie Esterhardinge' });
>         CREATE (julie:Person { name:'LT Juliette Pike' });
>         CREATE (ademola:Person { name:'Ademola Servant' });
>         CREATE (alba:Person { name:'SLT Alba Lefron' });
>         CREATE (jo_mom:Person { name:'Sulin Hua' });
> On 5/21/21 8:25 PM, boB Stepp wrote:
> > I am contemplating the design of a D&D-like game where I will
> > prototype various ideas I have in Python.
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