[Tutor] A dictionary question
PyTutor at DancesWithMice.info
Sat Nov 13 00:45:26 EST 2021
On 13/11/2021 18.04, Phil wrote:
> Thank you for taking the time to look at this.
> I'd like to find the number of pairs in the rows list of sets. The pair
> sets are {7, 3} and {4, 6} because they appear twice each. I'd also like
> to have count_dict dictionary show the two rows where the sets were
> found. What I have is this:
> {'row': 5, 'count': 2, 'set': {4, 6}}
> Which shows the last row, the count and the set found. I'd like the
> dictionary to also show where the other set {4, 6} was found which is
> row 1.
> for i in range(len(set_list)):
> count = 0
> for j in range(6):
> if set_list[i].issubset(rows[j]):
> found_set = set_list[i]
> count += 1
> count_dict['row'] = j
> count_dict['count'] = count
> count_dict['set'] = found_set
> if count == 2:
> print(set_list[i], ' is in row ',count, ' times')
> print(count_dict)
What a ghastly exercise. Is it homework?
Note that "count_dict['row'] = j" only allows for one set-location to be
noted. Accordingly, change the value of the dictionary to be a list.
Sometimes the list will only be one item long - which seems like a
waste. However, when the counter goes to 2 (or more), then the list will
contain multiple items.
Declare the list at the same time as the count is reset.
Append the set-location to the list whenever a 'hit' is noted.
The last print() will then look something like:
{'row': [1, 5], 'count': 2, 'set': {4, 6}}
Once you've got that working (and not before - "make it work before you
make it better!", you'll realise that the counter is unnecessary because
the length of the list yields the same information!
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