[Tutor] The Python way and two dimensional lists

Phil phillor9 at gmail.com
Sun Nov 21 21:13:37 EST 2021

On 22/11/21 12:34, dn via Tutor wrote:
> On 22/11/2021 13.13, Phil wrote:
>> I hope my questions are not becoming too tiresome.
> @Alan seems to have jumped-in first, so I've edited this response, and
> hope it has not become too disjointed.
> First question: have you located (and at least dipped-into) Pilgrim's
> book (as mentioned earlier). He certainly discusses lists, and (I
> haven't looked (again)) may well cover 2D...

Thank you dn, more to digest. Yes, I have downloaded the book. I found 
the suggested chapter 8 hard going and I couldn't relate it to what I'm 
doing. I've scanned some of the other chapters and will read the list 
chapter. I've added the book to my calibre library of Python books.


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