[Tutor] Send SOAP to Proxy

Cameron Simpson cs at cskk.id.au
Tue Nov 30 16:40:45 EST 2021

On 29Nov2021 18:59, Joao Carlos Silva de Oliveira Matos <joao.oliveira at ufob.edu.br> wrote:
>I've been trying to access a WSDL Service via a SOAP protocol. But first I
>need to get to a proxy in my University because the server will only accept
>it as a client.

Skipping the complexities of the library, if it is using the builtin 
Python libraries underneath I expect it to honour the normal environment 
variables $http_proxy and $https_proxy, meaning your code does not need 
to specify a proxy.

If you set these in your environment and try your code with no proxy 
specification in it, do things work?

Bourne shell syntax to set these:

    export http_proxy https_proxy

If you set them in your environment, do things work (provided you strip 
the settings out of the inline code itself i.e. comment out the 
"session.proxies" stuff?

Cheers,Cameron Simpson <cs at cskk.id.au>

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