[Tutor] classmethod - need to know what exactly it can do

Manprit Singh manpritsinghece at gmail.com
Sun Oct 3 11:41:59 EDT 2021

Dear Sir ,

Consider an example of class that contains a class method, given below:

class StudentDetails:
    """Class for details of students"""
    def __init__(self, name, age, sex):
        self.name = name
        self.age = age
        self.sex = sex

    def fromstring(cls, details):
        det = details.split(",")
        return cls(det[0], int(det[1]), det[2])

    def __str__(self):
        return f'Name = {self.name} Age = {self.age} Sex = {self.sex}'

The class is written to store Name, age and sex of students of a class . As
as i have gone through texts, it clearly says, classmethod is a method in
which the first argument is the class itself, I have made a classmethod
that has a first argument as cls. cls represents the class.

Now if have to make a record of student Rama i can do like this :

Rama = StudentDetails("Rama Singh", 21, "F")
Where "Rama Singh" is name, age is 21 and sex is "F"

For getting the details of student rama i can write


Which will print :

Name = Rama Singh Age = 21 Sex = F

Now if the details of a student Ajit are given in a single string:
"Ajit Singh,21,M"  where name age and sex is separated with comma, here the

classmethod fromstring is utilized, first the string is splitted with comma
 as a separator which separates name age and sex then these separated details

are passed as arguments in the class, that creates new record for student

Ajit as given below:

Classmethod fromstring is called for making record of student Ajit .

Ajit = StudentDetails.fromstring("Ajit Singh,21,M")

print(Ajit)  #  will print the details of Ajit as given below:

Name = Ajit Singh Age = 21 Sex = M

My question is, The way i have used the classmethod is its appropriate use ?

What are other uses of class method ?


Manprit Singh

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