[Tutor] right way of modifying values of a dictonary

Manprit Singh manpritsinghece at gmail.com
Thu Oct 21 03:40:23 EDT 2021

Dear sir ,

Take a dict as given below:
dicx = {"A": 23, "J": 38, "L": 29, "R": 26}
Now if i have to change the values in the existing dict( 1 in place of  odd
values and 0 in place of even values)
What will be the best way of the two:

1) First way :
>>> dicx = {"A": 23, "J": 38, "L": 29, "R": 26}
>>> dicx.update((key, val%2) for key, val in dicx.items())
>>> dicx
{'A': 1, 'J': 0, 'L': 1, 'R': 0}

2) Second way:

>>> dicx = {"A": 23, "J": 38, "L": 29, "R": 26}
>>> for key, val in dicx.items():
           dicx[key] = val%2

>>> dicx
{'A': 1, 'J': 0, 'L': 1, 'R': 0}

in the second way i am iterating over dicx,items() that doesn't seems fine
to me.

3) Third way:
>>> dicx = {"A": 23, "J": 38, "L": 29, "R": 26}
>>> for key in dicx.keys():
           dicx[key] = dicx[key]%2

>>> dicx
{'A': 1, 'J': 0, 'L': 1, 'R': 0}

Are 2nd and 3rd way are correct ways to do it ?


Manprit Singh

Need your guidance.

Manprit Singh

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