Richard Damon Richard at Damon-Family.org
Fri Oct 29 19:51:26 EDT 2021

On 10/29/21 5:38 PM, Jose Rivera wrote:
> Hello,
> I just downloaded the latest version of python to my Mac book but when I click on the python launcher on my dock is not opening. Have I done something wrong along the process of the installation? Please help. I am a new user and don’t know if I have done the installing properly. Thank you very much
On the Mac, 'Python Launcher' seems to just configure how python will 
run programs run under python. Generally from the Dock, you will want to 
click on the 'IDLE' icon, which launches the Python IDE, which gives and 
editor to write python programs or load a python script.

The other way to run python is from the command line, using a command 
like python3 myprog.py

Richard Damon

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