Cameron Simpson cs at cskk.id.au
Sat Oct 30 01:45:00 EDT 2021

On 29Oct2021 22:59, Richard Damon <Richard at Damon-Family.org> wrote:
>On 10/29/21 8:08 PM, Cameron Simpson wrote:
>>Also, Macs ship with Python. If your MacOS is current, the supplied
>>Python should be pretty modern.
>You might think that, but my Mac, running the latest version of OS-X, 
>Monterey, reports for a "python --version"  that the system default 
>python is still 2.7.10

I've got a similar Mac, running Catalina:

   % /usr/bin/python2 --version
   Python 2.7.16
   % /usr/bin/python3 --version
   Python 3.8.2

"python" is Python 2 here. Probably to support scripts in the vendor 
distribution which use /usr/bin/python and still expect python 2. That 
transition is a laborious QA process for any vendor.

But It's got an ok python3.

>Since I have been manually installing current Pythons, I don't know if 
>they also have provided a python3 command with something more recent.

Cameron Simpson <cs at cskk.id.au>

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