[Tutor] filter() builtin function
Roel Schroeven
roel at roelschroeven.net
Thu Sep 30 05:16:05 EDT 2021
Op 30/09/2021 om 10:59 schreef Manprit Singh:
> For the filter function in Python documentation , a line is written as
> below:
> Construct an iterator from those elements of *iterable* for which *function*
> returns true.
> *What does that true means - Boolen value True or true object - for
> example 1*
It's not stated explicitly but they probably mean 'true' as a shorthand
for 'any value which evaluates to True in a boolean context'. That means
True, numbers different from 0, non-empty collections and strings, and
probably some other things I'm forgetting. Basically anything for which
bool(thing) == True.
> *Like if I need only odd numbers from a list , what will be the correct
> lambda function to be placed inside the filter function ?*
> *lambda x: x%2 (That will return 1 for odd numbers which is a true
> object)*
> *or *
> *lambda x : x%2 == 1 ( Will return Boolean True for odd numbers)*
Both are correct and will generate the same answer. My preference is the
second, because it states the intention much cleaner: keep the elements
which have 1 as remainder when divided by 2 (which is what odd numbers
are). Always remember that you write code as much for other programmers
(including future yourself) as for the computer (even more for
programmers than for the computer, one could argue), therefore barring
significant performance issues it's always best to write code that best
states your intention.
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