[Tutor] (no subject)

Alan Gauld alan.gauld at yahoo.co.uk
Tue Apr 5 05:18:37 EDT 2022

On 04/04/2022 23:02, Megan Ani Mirkhanian wrote:

> the stepper motor to go backwards and then forwards. I am trying to find a
> way to make the two for loops variables so that when I want to make the
> stepper motor go backwards I click on for instance x and enter and when I
> want the stepper motor to go forward I click on for instance y and enter.

I'm not clear about what you want to know.

Is it how to build a UI that responds to clicks?
If so what kind of UI do you need? A CLI (aka terminal)
or a GUI or a web page? All are possible but all are
quite different.

Or is it how to switch between forward and backwards motion based on
whether x or y is set?

In fact I'd suggest a single variable called 'direction' and set it
to 'forward' or 'backward'. Alternatively use a boolean variable
called forward and set that to True or false.

Then you can write

if forward:
   for _ in range(256); forwardStep()
   for _ in range(256): backwardStep()

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site
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