[Tutor] could someone break this down

Nathan Smith nathan-tech at hotmail.com
Sat Apr 9 19:43:03 EDT 2022


Typical me, sorry about that Mats.

thanks DN for the links!

So I'm trying to understand DAWGS so that I can repackage the data 
included with the TWL module (which you're right DN is really nice and 
simple) because it uses American words when I want British words. I have 
the wordlist, just not the DAWG format :)


On 10/04/2022 00:18, Mats Wichmann wrote:
> On 4/9/22 16:56, Nathan Smith wrote:
>> Hi there,
> ...
>> but don't want to use tit without knowing 1, what I'm talking about and
>> 2, if it will even work.
>> Any help anyone can provide is appreciated.
> It would help if you let us know what you're trying to accomplish,
> rather than leaving us to guess...
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Best Wishes,

Nathan Smith, BSC

My Website: https://nathantech.net

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