[Tutor] could someone break this down

Nathan Smith nathan-tech at hotmail.com
Sun Apr 10 19:15:58 EDT 2022

Hi DN,

Yeah I reached out via email on the Github page but no response.

Considering the module was last updated in 2013 I'm not sure if that 
email is even valid :)

Digging to see if anyone else has figures this though.

Thanks to the resources provided I think I now have a rough 
understanding of DAWG's but breaking down how the one in the module was 
written to file and such is still challenge.

Still onwards and upwards.

On 10/04/2022 06:27, dn wrote:
> On 10/04/2022 11.43, Nathan Smith wrote:
>> Hi
>> Typical me, sorry about that Mats.
>> thanks DN for the links!
>> So I'm trying to understand DAWGS so that I can repackage the data
>> included with the TWL module (which you're right DN is really nice and
>> simple) because it uses American words when I want British words. I have
>> the wordlist, just not the DAWG format :)
> It might be worth contacting the people behind TWL, to see if they
> already have, or will be open to you providing, a British dictionary.
> Similarly, perhaps it will be worth performing a scan of GitHub, in case
> someone has already forked the project for British application.

Best Wishes,

Nathan Smith, BSC

My Website: https://nathantech.net

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