[Tutor] Fwd: Help/suggestion requested
nadeem nan
nadeem_559 at yahoo.com
Wed Apr 13 10:08:35 EDT 2022
Hi Alan,
Thanks once again for bailing me out. Your ideas and suggestions are really helpful and I have already few things from your during the exchange of emails. I really appreciate you taking the time out for me. Very much obliged.
Nadeem Nan
On Tuesday, 12 April 2022, 08:49:50 BST, Alan Gauld via Tutor <tutor at python.org> wrote:
On 12/04/2022 08:19, Alan Gauld wrote:
> code, I have managed to get the desired result.
Well done!
> Please see the amended code below and if there is room for improvement,
There is always room for improvement! :-)
> #create a dictionary to store the words and their frequencies as key :
> value pair.
> word_dictionary = {}
> #split and store the sample text in a list
> text_list = text.split()
> print(text_list)
> #new list to store words without the common words
> new_list = []
> #define unwanted characters as string
> special_characters = '''.,/?@:;{[]_ }'"-+=!£$%^&*()~<>¬`'''
> #define less desired or common words as a list
> less_desired_words = ['the', 'a', 'they', 'are', 'i', 'me', 'you', 'we',
> 'there', 'their', 'can', 'our', 'is', 'not',
> 'be','for', 'in', 'on', 'no', 'have', 'he', 'she', 'and', 'your', 'him',
> 'her', 'at', 'of', 'that','his', 'what', 'it','where', 'will']
> #iterate through text_list and remove the punctuations and convert to
> lower case words and add to new list
> for word in text_list:
> for character in special_characters:
> word = word.lower() # move this outside the loop so it only gets done once
> word = word.replace(character, "")
if word not in less_common_words:
> new_list.append(word)
Instead of adding to the list add to a dictionary with the count.
Use dict.get() which looks like:
words = {}
words[word] = words.get(word,0) + 1
get(words,0) returns zero if words is not in the dict.
> print(new_list)
The loop below is no longer necessary...
> #iterate through new list and remove the common words
> for word in new_list:
> for common_word in less_desired_words:
> if common_word in new_list:
> new_list.remove(common_word)
> print(new_list)
Counting the words is no longer necessary
> #count the words in the list and add to dictionary with their frequecy
> as key:value pair
> for word in new_list:
> if word in word_dictionary:
> frequency = word_dictionary[word]
> word_dictionary[word] = frequency + 1
> else:
> word_dictionary[word] = 1
> print(word_dictionary)--
Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site
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