[Tutor] Python question

Eleonora Panini eleonora.panini7jkd at gmail.com
Mon Apr 18 05:50:54 EDT 2022


I need help to do the following steps in Phyton:

-my starting array is: array = np.random.rand(1024x11700)

-I have to obtain an array 1024x23400 with the following characteristics:
25 columns(1024x25) of data and 25 columns (1024x25) of zeros

 So I thought to do a loop every 25 columns(1024x25), insert an array of
zeros (1024x25) alternatevely every 25 columns, so I obtain an array

but I don't know how to do it in Phyton.. Can you help me? Thank you

*Eleonora Panini*

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