[Tutor] Python jobs with no work experience
david savage
dsavage1796 at yahoo.com
Tue Apr 19 15:35:23 EDT 2022
Well....that's inspiring....thank you for sharing Leam !
Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android
On Tue, Apr 19, 2022 at 1:51 PM, Leam Hall<leamhall at gmail.com> wrote: David,
There was a point where we didn't have a lot of money. For a while I worked as a security guard, but that didn't really pay the bills. My wife went into the military to support us, and I found out about Linux.
I could barely afford a 386 computer; a friend loaned me a single speed Mitsumi CDROM and my wife let me get "Slackware Unleashed" which had a Linux CD in it. The computer and I hung out in the closet. When my wife got an assignment to Italy, there were no jobs on base but I found an Italian ISP that had just fired their only Unix guy. They gave me free dial-up access and a little bit of cash to cover the phone bill, I worked a few hours a week as a Linux guy. When something stumped me at work, I'd take the problem home, pour through "Essential System Administration" and the man pages, and then come back the next day with a solution. The internet wasn't quite a thing back then.
When we came back to the US, a place needed a few hours of SCO Unix work. I did that, and continued to learn, until a newspaper hired me as a Solaris admin. I kept learning and finding more challenging jobs, and later on I decided that being a programmer would help me fix the issues the operations people had. I worked my career and have been a full time programmer for few years. It took me six years to go from playing with DR-DOS to earning a full time living as a Linux/Unix admin, but I pay our bills and sent my wife through college with zero debt.
Mats is right, some places work hard to say "no" to well qualified candidates. But it just takes one "yes" to get started.
Site Automation Engineer (reuel.net/resume)
Scribe: The Domici War (domiciwar.net)
General Ne'er-do-well (github.com/LeamHall)
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