[Tutor] Playing with generators

Leam Hall leamhall at gmail.com
Wed Aug 10 07:32:43 EDT 2022

I'm wondering if there's a way to combine "make_person" with the generator in "for fname, peep in". Even if it can be done, should it be done? Or would the code be overly complex?

The goal is to parse a group of data, and create a dict where the value is an object created from the data, and the key is an attribute of the object itself.

class Person():
     def __init__(self, data = {}):
         self.fname = data.get('fname', 'fred')
         self.lname = data.get('lname', 'frank')

data = [
     { 'fname':'Wilbur', 'lname':'Lefron' },
     { 'fname':'Al', 'lname':'Lefron' },
     { 'fname':'Jo', 'lname':'Franco' },
     { 'fname':'Mon', 'lname':'Pascal' },
     { 'fname':'Gray', 'lname':'Webb-Marston'},

def make_person(data):
     ps = ( Person(d) for d in data)
     return ps
peeps = {}

for fname, peep in ( (p.fname, p) for p in make_person(data) ):
     peeps[fname] = peep

for person in peeps.values():

Automation Engineer        (reuel.net/resume)
Scribe: The Domici War     (domiciwar.net)
General Ne'er-do-well      (github.com/LeamHall)

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