[Tutor] (no subject)

Sibylle Koczian nulla.epistola at web.de
Sun Dec 4 05:33:02 EST 2022

Am 04.12.2022 um 05:45 schrieb Jacob Cohen:
> My code for this section is to get the current year from the user, and do the current year-1946 which was the NBA founding year to find how old the NBA is and it is giving me error messages

So we know that you did write code. That's good. And you get error 
messages. That's usual.

But how can anybody help you without seeing the code and the error 
messages? We need both, as text and in the body of the mail, because 
this lists removes attachments.

And as we are talking about Python, don't let your email client change 
the indentation of your code.

Additional information we might need: your OS and Python version.

Moreover your mail should have a good subject - but without seeing the 
error messages at the very least I can't advise you.


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